M1 Garage Tour – Exclusively for GLCC Members!

WOW – another exclusive opportunity just for the GLCC Family!

We strive to create unique events that the average person does not have access to. 

And the M1 Concourse Garage Tour is one of those opportunities brought to you by GLCC

and with the support of our friends in the M1 Garage Community.

Join us Saturday September 14th at 8:30am – rain (drive civilian) or shine(drive what you like)!!

We will start the morning at Ron and Anne Mills Garage #43.

Coffee and no-cal Donuts will be served!!

Instructions for the gate access and garage maps will be provided to those attending the event.


After coffee and GLCC special donuts we will venture onto several M1 owners (and new friends) hideouts. 

We have 7 private garages to visit on our tour. 

The list of garage owners will be sent to participants prior to the event).

Check out the pictures memorializing our 2023 Tour

So here’s the summary…

Saturday morning…you can cut the grass later

Coffee and diet donuts…can’t beat that

At the coolest private club around … and accessible just for you through our Club!

Come on out and join us for the private tour just for GLCC!