Lake St Clair Cruise, Lunch and Ice Cream – June 1, 2019

Join us for the 6th Annual Cruise along Lake St. Clair!




The day will begin at the Grice’s House at 9:00am  for coffee, juice, fruit and Great Lakes Cobra Club special-ingredient donuts.


Map can be viewed by clicking here.





This is a great opportunity to people to mingle, meet new friends and generally catch up from the long winter!


From here we will depart around 10:30 ish and cruise along Anchor Bay, up through Algonac, along the St Clair River to our lunch destination at Lake FX in Port Huron (on the River).

Image result for lake fx grill


The folks at Lake FX will have special parking just for our cars

 After lunch we will cruise back down to Marine City for Ice Cream at Sweet Tooths (312 S Water St, Marine City, MI 48039).

Parking will be at Holy Cross Church (610 S Water St, Marine City) in the large lot along the St Clair River (good photo opp).

It is important that we have a headcount.  Please RSVP no later than May 25th