GLCC Spring Cruise Along Huron River AND combined with the Car and Driver Route!

Welcome to the GLCC Spring Cruise on Saturday May 24th starting at 9:00am


Check out the photos of our 2023 C&D and 2022 C&D Cruises to anticipate how much fun this event will be!

Read up on the history of the route.

We will begin the day at NO VI Coffee House at 9:00 am (or earlier if you choose).  There is a gas station adjacent to the NO VI so its a good time to also fill up on fuel.

We will depart at 10:00 am. 

Many thanks to Robert Thomas for designing this new cruise route incorporating cruise along the Huron River!!

Please bring your route map in case we get separated.  But we will make every effort to keep the caravan together.

We expect to arrive at Zukey Lake Tavern (5011 Girard Dr., Pinckney) around 12:30 for lunch.


Please park in the area noted in red.  This will keep us together and away from civilian cars.


Please RSVP