Greetings GLCC Members,
Well we had a good run on rain-free events until today. Ohio is getting clobbered with rain and we have to postpone meeting the Toledo Area Cobra Owners at the Toledo Cars and Coffee. Watch for details on rescheduling this opportunity but since this is a monthly event it maybe too chilly to drive Cobras in October…we’ll see and act accordingly.
On Saturday September 15th we’ve added a visit to the Factory Five School at Mott College in Howell Michigan. It’s not going to rain since Bob Russel picked the date!! For the past several years GLCC has taken time from our busy schedules to take our Cobras (no matter what replica) to the school to inspire the students. The instructors are VERY appreciative of our generous support as it really inspires the class we visit. Details including RSVP can be found here.
September 18th at 6:00 pm is our General Membership Meeting at Little Daddy’s in Bloomfield Hills. In addition to updates on the Club, this will be the meeting to vote for President, Secretary and Director of Events. We will also use this time to solicit input on 2019 Events as we start planning in October. Please RSVP and provide any suggested discussion topics here.
Saturday September 22 is Cars and Coffee hosted by Prefix and Bill Gill. Check out the details here.
September 24-26 is Put-in-Bay Historic Car Races. Please read about this great event. This is a Cobra-optional event.
October 6 is our Fall Tech Event at Prefix. Dyno runs will be available. More details to follow.
We are planning a NEW fall color tour for October 7th. Details will be published this coming week.
And we are planning our own Cars and Coffee (cider and donuts) on October 13th at Canterbury Village. It will start at 9:00 am. The idea is to frame this as a “Snakes in the Grass” all-Shelby related event and invite the local Shelby and Viper Clubs. We’ll see how this goes as it is a “first” and plan accordingly for 2019.
And, Saturday October 27th is the last Cars and Coffee hosted by Prefix and Bill Gill for 2018. Check out the details here.
Have a super week ahead!